Saturday, December 26, 2015

How To Choose The Best Toddler Toys

For young children, play isn't just a way to relax, but rather a learning avenue through which the infant grasps skills like balance, coordination and control. Because of this crucial function, it's important that parents provide the best aids so that their child develops properly. The best toddler toys should support various aspects of development of the child, depending on their age. 

There are many different options out there, most of which act as learning and play tools. Infants develop at different rates. Typically, one can find toys meant for specific age groups. The aim should be to provide tools which can help develop the kid's aptitude. 

Age Relevance - For one-year old infants, the best bet would be toys that can be emptied and filled. These aid in developing the child's ability to construct mental images of various things. Other options include two- to six-piece puzzles, squeeze toys, colored balls, toy trucks and books containing vibrant images.
 Such toys will help develop the toddler's ability to grasp and release. Additionally, they also enhance imagination and creativity. Items that mimic real-life devices like cell phones also cultivate the child's problem-solving capabilities in addition to social development. 

For two-year olds, items like building blocks and generally those that let them engage speech and hearing are advisable. At this age, most kids can already form mental concepts and grasp the concept of shape-sorting. Toys that let the child play and listen to music are also great, especially for those who try to sing as they play. 

At three years old, most children will have fully developed their speech capability. During this phase, they will ask questions about anything that tickles their fancy. A parent can grab this opportunity to develop their child's mental ability by providing toys like dolls, furniture sets, alphabet puzzles and building blocks. 

Physical Aspects - Toys also need to keep the kids engaged physically. This helps develop essential motor skills while still retaining the fun of play. Push toys work to provide physical engagement and improve the coordination that's crucial for development. Most kids will be fascinated by toys that involve climbing, rocking and riding. Play tunnels, slides, swings and balls would also work in this respect. 

Intellect - As most parents know, even basic building blocks are considered learning toys. As children build up and tear down, they develop skills which will later be essential for grasping fundamental math principles. Here, it's important that one doesn't go overboard by turning every interaction with the kid into a lesson. This could take the fun out of learning. Instead, one should focus on keeping the toddler feel like they're playing. 

When selecting, one should remember that any specific types of toddler toys aren't as important as how they're presented. By using the opportunity as a way to develop and impart skills, it's possible to mold the child into the person one wants them to be later in life. Infants are at the stage in which people are highly receptive; they tend to pick up various things and make their best impression of them.